Colors by Charlie.

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Nurse Snare, a receptionist, is sitting at a desk in the lobby, smoking a cigarette. When Mood and Barry approach, she hands a clipboard to Mood.

Snare: Hey squeakers, can you fill this out for the patient?

Mood: Caaan do ma'am!!!

Mood turns to Barry, holding the clipboard with a pen.

Mood: Can you tell me your full name, friend?

Barry: Barry Erry Ill.

Mood: How old are you?

Barry: Twenty-six and 5 months.

Mood: Sex?

Barry: ...what?

Mood: Does sex?

Barry: what

Mood writes something down without explaining.

Mood: Tell me something about yourself!

Barry: Oh- why, I'm glad you asked! I am a physics major at CLCtech university. I really love physics and psychology! All sorts of science in general, actually- chemistry, geology, botany, ecology, astronomy, biology, MICRObiology, everything!

The clipboard is shown.

Barry Erry Ill
Age: 26
Sex: what

Faves: Geeky things, science things, big words, talking a lot

Reason for admittance: Voluntary... will update after evaluation with more details.

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