Colors by Pyro.

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Caroline: I can't get much out of him. I'm bad at comfort. Could you give it a shot, dude?

Uni: Sure bro!

Uni gets closer to him.

Uni: Hey bro. It seems like you're not having a swaggy time right now, which is really epic fail bro. Sometimes the console crashes and you lose all your progress and it's the least boss thing ever bro. It's a real arrow to the knee bro. Sometimes we feel like forever alone guy and everything is unswaggy and bossless. But we keep going. Because as true gamers say, a game over is really just a chance to game under.

Barry slowly turns around, tears still in his eyes.

Barry: ......w-what?

Uni: Bro, to not have gamed over, I think you are God's epic win.

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