and is not suitable for minors. Reader discretion is advised.
Welcome to Sparklecare hospital and health care centers, the best medical institution in the world! Our primary goal is to return our patients to good health and protect those in need. We know how cold and unloving most hospitals can be, so we aspire to bring warmth and kindness to our inpatients.
If you are interested in being admitted, call us at 666-CARE today!
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Content warnings
Switches filter visuals and verbal mentions of the triggering content. If you're unsure of what settings to have, scroll to below the switches for details about your options.
Violence & gore
Violence or bodily harm of any kind, from blood, injuries, graphic gore, sharp objects, weapons, or sometimes neutral things that can cause bodily harm (such as hazardous liquids or fire).
Any references to abuse, from physical to psychological to emotional. This doesn't exactly capture all the violence covered in the comic, but is more focused on case-by-case events.
Sexual themes
Anything NSFW or related to sex- from mentions of sexual acts, sexual phrases, or (non-pornographic) sexual visuals such as suggestive body gestures.
Anything of unsanitary nature, from germs to bodily substances like vomit or generally unclean environments or situations.
Self-harm and self-mutiliation and suicide (suicidal ideation, attempts, suicide baiting, death from suicide, etc).
Body horror
Visuals of body horror, from disfiguring, dismembering, and unsettling character designs with such disfigurments.
Refers to ableist language, insensitive or demeaning or general disrespect of people with physical disabilities or mental illnesses.
Language expressing dismissiveness or disrespect of victims of abuse or trauma.
Medical imagery
Needles or other medical devices in use that may be sensitive to people who have medical/hospital trauma.
Character death
Characters dying on-screen (or depicted through discretionary shots), mentions of death, and dead bodies.
Drugs & alcohol
Drugs, alcohol, smoking, or other similar addictive substances.
Bullying, verbal deprecation, self-loathing, self-hatred, and just generally overly negative dialogue towards others or oneself.
Animal harm
Spinch's non-sapient animals (ferries) dying or being injured/harmed. This includes insects.
CW categories and suggestions
Content warnings are put into generalized categories because smaller categories may become difficult to maintain, as some things may come up and be added later as the comic goes on.
If you have a trigger/squick/general uncomfortable thing and you don't know what category it goes under, feel free to review the content warning masterlist.
Unsure of what category your trigger/squick is under, and it isn't listed anywhere? Feel free to leave a comment on the masterlist for clarification.
Have a category suggestion or suggestion for a specific page?Click here! Not everything is possible to be accounted for, but if there's something major I overlooked in error, please give feedback!
What are series?
Sparklecare as a story is separated into 3 "acts" that are titled "series". The reason they're called series is because each series has a different story and different protagonist. Everything Sucks, series 1, focuses on Barry as the protagonist.
There's currently only one series out right now and no information about what makes the other series "different" from series 1 is available at this point in time, but someday you'll understand!