Ask Sparklecare is the official ask blog for the webcomic Sparklecare, not to be confused with the Cometcare AU's ask blog.
It loosely follows the events of each volume, aside from CYOAs such as the Haunted comic.
What about the ask blog is canon?
Everything on the ask blog reflects actual canon, not including the Haunted CYOA.
What is the reading order?
This is the reading order in reference to relation to canon events.
Will Haunted ever be continued?
Haunted was discontinued due to personal reasons and its story and lore and characters will not appear in any future Sparklecare media.
Will any of the previous arcs be continued?
Most likely not. If one gets stopped abruptly and replaced with a new one, it probably won't be continued.
Arc list
These link to chronological reading orders for each arc on browser.
Main arcs
This arc focuses on Barry before his admittance to Sparklecare.
This arc focuses on the main patients interacting before they've met Barry.
This arc focuses on Barry's arrival at the hospital.
This arc focuses on Mood and Doom after their brief appearance in volume 2.
This arc focuses on the Chunklings, now patients at Sparklecare.
This arc is a continuation of the previous Chunkling arc, but it began after V3, so there are references to stuff in V3 despite taking place before it.
This is arc is a comic as opposed to an ask blog arc showing Barry's first Kissmas at the hospital, a month after volume 3's ending.
CYOAs and others
These are not canon.
This CYOA centers around an abandoned hospital ward that is alleged to be haunted, but it was not and will not be continued.