Sketch by Kittycorn, inks and colors by Donnie

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Cyn: Hey dude!

Barry stares at him blankly.

Barry: ...hello? Cyn: I'm Cyn! The best person here! This is the only person here that is close to my coolness, my boyfriend Mel!

Affliction: Malblaise
Age: 26
Sex: pleading eyes emoji
Faves: Fire, spicy food, barbeque, himself, action video games, sunsets, urban exploration

Cyn motions to Mel, and he waves nervously.

Affliction: Snooty-snoop, breathes-a-not
Age: 24
Sex: sounds good!!!!!
Faves: Punk music, stuffed animals, warm blankets, coloring books, rock music, snow globes, lava lamps, fidget toys, bad puns, Bingo Bongo Theory

Barry: Why are you talking to me

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