The following page contains harsh deprecation and degradation.

Sketch by Kittycorn, inks and colors and extra details by RJ

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It shows Cuddles from the audience with his arms folded.

Cuddles: Is that supposed to be ventriloquism? That’s not even the right kind of fucking puppet to do that with.

Uni looks upset, mouth gaping.

Uni: W-well I… I don’t really have the stuff to make the right kind… so I just made my own.

Cuddles: You probably couldn’t do it even if you had the materials. I’ve seen your art, it’s honestly all terrible. You could be much better, but you’re not.

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Cuddles starts putting down Uni for his act, criticizing the fact he isn't using the right kind of puppet for ventriloquism - and just starting on a roll of general insults about Uni's creative ability and talent.