The following page contains heavy self-deprecating language and very harsh self loathing insults and degradation.

Sketch and colors and extra details by Kittycorn, inks by Nick

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Uni begins to rant, looking at the puppet as if talking to himself.

Uni: You always do this! Someone's mean to you and you just start crying like a baby! What's wrong with you? You're too soft. Too sensitive. You let what everyone says get to you and you never stick up for yourself.

Uni: You're so lazy. You take horrible care of yourself and you're messy and gross, and it makes nobody want to be around you. And Barry– you're his worst nightmare! Crude and messy and annoying! He's never, EVER gonna like you back!

Uni: A-and even if he did like you, it's not like he's liking the real you. It's not like he knows. NOBODY knows who you really are because you’re too scared to say it. It’s not even like anything bad would happen if you did yet you’re scared anyways.

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Uni starts to talk to the puppet as if talking to himself, throwing various insults about unforgivable flaws Uni believes he has. He references his poor self care and how Barry will never reciprocate feelings because Uni is "everything Barry can't stand" (heavily paraphrased).