The following page contains heavy self-deprecating language, very harsh self loathing insults and degradation, insulting ones appearance and a mention of self harm/eye trauma.

Sketch and colors and extra details by Kittycorn, inks by Nick

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Uni: It’s simple. You’re just not good enough. You’re not good enough for him, or for ANYBODY. You’re an ugly loser and there’s literally nothing appealing about you.

Uni: Maybe if you didn’t gouge out your fucking eyes you’d be more attractive to others, but now nobody even wants to look at you. Oh wait, it’s not like they ever did. You’re so irritating and horrible. And nobody’s ever going to like you.

Uni: I hate you! I hate you so much!

Uni slams the puppet face down against the floor, dripping bloody tears over it and his hand and arm.

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Uni continues to insult himself and his own appearance and exclaims how much he hates himself as he pounds the puppet against the floor as if it were himself.