The following page contains a suggestive implication.

Sketch and colors and extra details by Kittycorn, inks by Emsody

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Uni: …I’m sorry, bro. You’re just really full of yourself sometimes and say you’re better than everyone else, that’s not me being mean, it’s just how you actually act. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings but it kinda hurts when you say that stuff to us, and me.

Barry: Yeah, cuz I'm above you.

Uni: ..."I am not self-absorbed" huh?

Barry raises his chin.

Barry: That's not being self-absorbed. I simply know my superiority. Learn your place Cornelius.

Uni: ........

Caroline and Uni both stare at Barry, and then Uni blushes, horn rainbow. Carrie looks at him with a raised eyebrow.

Uni: (quietly) w-why'd you have to say it like that

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Uni expresses to Barry that the way he acts comes across as self absorbed, and Barry makes a remark that flusters Uni.