Sketch, inks, colors, and extra details by Kittycorn

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The two puppets look at each other, and Kneevil starts circling Barrific, looking him up and down.

Kneevil: So you’re the new guy around here… Barrific, is it?

Barrific: Evidently, yes, that is my name.

Kneevil: You mean you’re just gonna take the name they gave you? Not very confident in your ability to think of your own, are you? I’m guessing you’re meant to be a clone of the green nerd.

Barrific folds his arms, but doesn’t say anything.

Kneevil: He shoulda made you out of baby socks if he wanted to be more accurate. The real thing is pretty small. I’m sure your brain size makes up for it, though.

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