Sketch by Kittycorn, inks, colors, and extra details by RJ

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Barrific: …j-just because something isn’t known doesn’t mean it cannot be explained.

Kneevil: It’s just magic, bro.

Barrific: It’s just maaagic. It’s just magic. Magic DOESN’T EXIST and the sooner you realize that the better off you’ll be without- without- messing with our minds!

Barrific stands up and points at Kneevil, getting closer to him and Kneevil slowly backs up.

Barrific: Your words are ILLOGICAL, you speak nothing but LIES, and you are completely wrong and all your claims are unintellectual, just like your JUVENILE, NEEDLESSLY VULGAR and BRAINLESS MIND. I am a man of SCIENCE and I am ABOVE YOU IN EVERY SINGLE WAY, and it will STAY THAT WAY until you ACCEPT REALITY and stop being a COMPLETE AND TOTAL IDIOT.

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