CW masterlist
The following page is an exhaustive complete list of every single content warning in every volume. These also contain contexts to explain the manner in which said content is depicted.
NOTE: This contains spoilers for the contents of the volumes, context is only provided if its needed to know if you can handle something - but bear in mind, it may spoil things.
Icons depicted on the list are indicators of which category the warning is under.
The HIGHLY RECURRING WARNING label indicates a warning that appears more than 3-4 times and needs an extra layer of caution.
The following things are NOT filtered
- Swear words (unless it is a sex-related word specifically used in a sexual context, sex-related words in nonsexual contexts do not get filtered)
- Blood on clothing (outside of explicit gore scenes)
- Scars on character bodies, including self-harm and burns (but only if it is a scar and not a fresh, open wound)
- Ships, whether it's direct interactions or implications/mentions of a ship
- IVs on the patients' arms
- Healed amputations on character bodies
- Depictions of certain medical devices such as mobility aids
These things will not have content warnings due to the highly recurring nature of them that would make reading the comic impossible otherwise.
The following things will NEVER be depicted in the comic
- Racism
- Homophobia/transphobia or any form of gender/sexual identity-based bigotry
- Sexual assault or sexual violence
- Inc*st
- CSA or p*dophilia
- B*astiality or sexualizing feral animals
- Slurs
- Explicit NSFW or graphic nudity (showing "parts"), HOWEVER, sex is depicted in a non-graphic way
These things will never be depicted in the comic in any way, this will not change.
ES:V1 warnings
Summary of contentViolence & gore
- Torture
- Restraints
- Forced unclothing
- Dismemberment
- Decapitation
- Strangulation
- Exposed ribs
- Organs
- Disembowelment
- Knives
Medical imagery
- Needles
- Ended life support
- IVs
Drugs & alcohol
- Cigarettes
Suicide & self-harm
- Suicide
- Victim-blaming
- Ableism
Sexual themes
- Masturbation
- Sex acts
Animal harm
- Insect harm
ES:V2 warnings
Summary of contentViolence & gore
- Blood
- Dismembered limbs
Sexual themes
- Implications of sex acts
- Sexual subjects
- Ableist language
Medical imagery
- Needles
Drugs & alcohol
- Drugs
ES:V3 warnings
Summary of contentAbuse
- Domestic abuse
- Sweat
- Civet coffee
Sexual themes
- Sexual concepts
- Masturbation
- Sexual visuals
Violence & gore
- Blood
- Implications of violence
- Hazardous liquid consumption
- Eye trauma
- Chemical melting
- Nooses
- Knives
- Hatchets
- Scissors
- Bullying
Suicide & self-harm
- Self-harm
- Suicide attempts
Character death
- Non-graphic death
- Death threats
- Victim dismissal
- Ableism
ES:V4 warnings
Summary of contentSexual themes
- Sexual subjects
- Suggestive body gesture
- Sexual interests
- Sex acts
- Masturbation
- Sexual implications
- Sex
- Deprecation and degradation
- Self-deprecating language
- Self-loathing insults
Violence & gore
- Blood
- Eye trauma
- Fire on clothes
Suicide & self-harm
- Self-harm
- Sweat
- Trash
ES:V5 warnings
This is a currently running volume. Contexts will be added as the volume progresses. If you would rather not have ANY warning about the contents of an unfinished volume, ignore this section.
- Hostility
- Insults
Character death
- Corpses
Drugs & alcohol
- Alcohol
Violence & gore
- Cigarette burns
- Burns on skin
- Fire threatening life
- Blood
- Abuse denial
- ...
- Abuse
- Child abuse
- Abuse investigation
Content warning questions
This section is reserved for any reader who may have a question about content warnings. If you are unsure what category your trigger/squick would be listed under or if you want to know if it will ever be present in the comic, feel free to leave a comment. This section is pre-moderated, so your comment will not immediately appear, but you will receive an email once it has been answered.