Info page last updated: 3/5/25

What the FUCK is this?

Darkermatters is a technical "sequel" to the Cometcare AU in the sense that it takes place in the same alternate universe that Cometcare did.

It focuses on future Spinch, 10 million years in the future, after anthries have gone extinct as a result of an eruption from the Goda mountain supervolcano. Following the eruption, after anthries ceased to exist, the survivors of the eruption were ferries, and they could soon evolve into something called OCs, or "organic creatures" (organic meaning organized/civilized) which are like ferries but anthro, replacing anthries as the dominating species. OCs do not know what anthries are, as they seem to be erased from history.

What does this have to do with Cometcare? Why is it in the Cometcare universe?

The main characters of the AU are "reincarnations" of the Comet parents, but they don't know they are. The story will involve them finding out, among other things.

It's important to note that reading this AU and understanding why it's strange requires Spinch worldbuilding knowledge. You can read about Spinch worldbuilding here.

(Will be updated as more questions are asked)


Are these characters okay to kin or f/o?

All the characters are free to be kinned or self-shipped with, nobody is off-limits.

Is every character going to be a reincarnation? Are there going to be Cometkid reincarnations?

Not every character we see in the AU is a reincarnation. As for the second question, you'll see!

Were the Comets alive when the extinction happened?

They were not. It did not happen in their lifetimes, do not worry. They lived happily until the end.


What is training?

Training is the equivalent of education for OCs. They have young training (elementary school), adolescent training (middle/high school), and mature training (college). It's called "training" because it's derived from animal training.

Why do they say young/mature/etc?

OCs do not have numbered ages, they live in "life stages" similar to Sims. The life stages are young, adolescent, mature, and elder.

Are these fictional characters owned by Cometcare characters?

Despite being literally named OCs, they aren't "original characters". They are living breathing things and everything happening in the AU is real life.

Why is there no trace of anthries ever existing?


Story arcs


Began: February 24th, 2024 Ended: April 20th, 2024

Introduction to the cast! Winona and Moore visit the pier with their friends Strike and Siri.


Began: May 15th, 2024 Ended: February 24th, 2025

Winona takes some of her younger family to the West Enstar Spinch Natural History Museum.


Began: February 24th, 2025 Ended: March 5th, 2025

A strange book ends up in unsuspecting hands...