WARNING: This page contains mentions of sex and sex-related things for worldbuilding purposes

LAST UPDATED 2/10/25 - What was added: Anthry advancements


The planet of anthries

Spinch is the planet that Sparklecare and related stories takes place on.

The main inhabitants of Spinch are a fictional alien species of anthropomorphic animals called anthries.

Spinch is a lot like Earth in terms of culture, but there are a lot of differences as well.

On this page, you can learn all about Spinch and its worldbuilding!

The following things DO NOT exist on Spinch. I would prefer people did not make AUs where these things exist for comfort reasons.

  • Racism, homophobia or transphobia or any kind of identity-based discrimination or bigotry
  • Guns (specifically firearms, stuff like glue guns and water guns exist)
  • Pregnancy or any form of sexual reproduction
  • Sex organs on ferries (Spinch feral animals)
  • Nuclear weaponry or bombs of any kind

However: ableism does exist because it is part of the message Sparklecare is trying to express with its story. Sex also exists but has nothing to do with pregnancy/reproduction.

Region map

City map

Click to expand

This is a list of all months and weekdays on Spinch and their respective names.


  1. Danuary
  2. Bebruary
  3. Arch
  4. Mapril
  5. Jay
  6. Mune
  7. Muly
  8. Saugust
  9. Eptember
  10. Noctober
  11. Ovember
  12. Jecember


  1. Runday
  2. Moanday
  3. Bluesday
  4. Tednesday
  5. Wursday
  6. Cryday
  7. Sadderday

This is a list of all notable holidays on Spinch.

Danuary 1st - Year's First Day

The first day of the Spinch calendar year.
Year's First day is preceded by Year's Last Eve (Jecember 31st).


Spin a globe 12 times until midnight (and if you miss the last spin at the last moment it's a bad omen!)

Bebruary 14th - Palentine's day

A romantic Virtuist holiday originating from the region of Palentine. Palentine's day celebrations are like giving people a little Spring early on before Spring begins.


Giving flowers to people you care about, romantic or platonic!

Arch 6th - Unique day

A day about loving yourself and appreciating who you are, because there'll never be another you.


Self-care, treating yourself, taking it easy

Mapril 4th - Rainer's day

On Rainer's day, if it rains, it's considered a good omen for good things to come. If it does not rain, it means that there are bad things to come.


Watching for the rain

Jay 15th - Parent's day

A day celebrating parents!


Appreciating your parents

Mune 3rd-12th - Missmas

A holiday about taking time to yourself and being alone. It's the opposite of Kissmas, which is about being close to others.


Spending time alone, staying cool in hot weather, sleeping during the day

Muly 11th - Cherish day

A day about appreciating the people in your life, whether it be friends, family, or loved ones. It's also about being grateful to Tears and Emem for the life they gave you.


Appreciate the people you love and your life

Eptember 10th - Egg day

A day celebrating children and young people. It's the opposite of parent's day.


Appreciating your children

Noctober 31st - Galloween

Spinch Halloween!


Halloween traditions!

Jecember 3rd-12th - Kissmas

Holiday of love and warmth, formed around the tradition of hugging and being close to stay warm.


Gift giving, romantic and platonic affection activities, staying warm together

Spinch history

Story of the world...

Spinch was a planet created by poggies Emem Ory and Annless Tears. Poggies are a type of alien species that creates planets in the universe with magic. They shape the landscape and create all of its life.

Spinch is 1 billion years old and is a planet inside the Twix galaxy.



Emem Ory
Masculine nouns
Poggie stork
2 billion years old

Emem is one of the creators of Spinch. He is, for all intents in purposes, the ''god'' of Spinch due to the fact he is the creator of all its life.

Emem uses the resources of the world like plants and soil and water and magically transforms it into magical eggs that anthries and ferries hatch from.

Though most people have acknowledged his existence, there are still skeptic scientists who don't believe in Emem, but they can't explain where eggs come from.

When Emem created life on Spinch, he forgot to find a way to make them reproduce! On other planets, poggies have always found ways to make their lifeforms reproduce, but Emem messed up and completely forgot!

He had to think of a solution, and fast!!! And the thing he came up with was individually creating eggs of every single living thing, hand crafted with love and care.



Annless Tears
Endless tears
Feminine nouns
Poggie sheep
2 billion years old

Tears is one of the creators of Spinch. She serves the purpose of being a "protector" of the planet.

Her name used to be Annless Smiles, but something went wrong. The life of Spinch started to become unkind to each other, and she began to cry, feeling like she failed to protect everyone.

She now cries for the people she cannot help, for poggies cannot directly intervene with their creations... or at least, they weren't supposed to...


The changing of the winds...

The seasons of Spinch are controlled by the "children" of Emem and Tears, which are an alien species called Soggies.

On Spinch, the seasons change at the beginning of months (for example, summer begins on Mune 1st) and all last exactly 3 months.

The Soggies that control the seasons have many responsibilities.



Kiss Jingle
Kris Kringle
Feminine nouns
Soggie reindeer
1 billion years old

Winter is controlled by a soggie named Kiss Jingle. She is not only responsible for winter, but the management of Spinch's ice ages and all cold weather on the planet.

People say that the antherry ice age was Kiss Jingle's attempt at teaching antherries to be kind to each other by making them need to be warm together.

However, a lot of people believe this Kissmas origin story is another sanitization of history from Monogatism.



Solion Sunn
Lie in the sun
Masculine nouns
Soggie lion
1 billion years old

Solion is in charge of the season of summer on Spinch. He is considered the antithesis of Kiss Jingle.

Legends and lots of Kissmas stories focus on them battling for control of the seasons while Punko and Blossom are left trying to console them.

Solion is hostile and always up to cause problems and drama within the family if he's able.



Blossom Enbloom
Blossom and bloom
Feminine nouns
Soggie skunk
1 billion years old

Blossom controls the season of spring.

She is kind-hearted and passionate about what she does and she worries a lot about Solion and Kiss, and doesn't want them to keep fighting in the way that they do and strives for peace and harmony.

She's very soft-spoken and sometimes nervous and hates conflict and especially yelling.



Punko Kin
Feminine nouns
Soggie cat
1 billion years old

Punko is responsible for fall, and she is very quiet and friendly and easy to talk to.

She's not the brightest ever, but she's very loving and supportive to her family and does her best all the time! She's also the youngest, and everyone is nice to her, even Solion who is pretty rude to everyone else.

Ancient life

Life of the past...

Dinerries were the dominating species of Spinch a very long time ago. They were a type of feathered reptile related to modern bird anthries.

They are known for the fact their fossils have been found on every continent of Spinch. They are theorized to have gone extinct from an eruption from Goda Mountain.

Therries were the dominating species of Spinch during one of its ice ages. They were thick-furred beast-like creatures with massive bodies that protected them from the cold.

Therries serve as the last form of anthry ancestors that did not have the intelligence of modern anthries.

They were vicious and violent and very aggressive and loners who had large spread out territories and would attack any trespassers.

Antherries are the closest ancestors to anthries. They dominated Spinch during the last and most recent major ice age. They evolved from therries, and were the first to become civilized.

Their most notable trait is their development of the heat retainment system, a bodily system that developed as a survival mechanism against Spinch’s colder temperatures.

The holiday Kissmas is believed to have originated during this ice age.


Modern day life...

Anthries are the main inhabitants of Spinch. They are anthropomorphic animals that walk on two legs and talk. They can be a variety of colors and any animal species, except for humans and insects.

Anthries are very similar to humans in the way they act, think, and function. Their culture is much like that of Earth's as well, with the same technological advancements.

They are omnivorous, but usually do not eat meat. Their average life span is around 120 years old. They hatch from Emem's eggs, and these are called hatchdays as opposed to birthdays.

Anthries are usually peaceful and do not engage in war or anything like that. Not to say there aren't some very rotten people out there, though...

Every anthry has either a pun name or a palindrome name. Pun names are in the language Countish (whatever language the comic is read in... Earth languages). These puns are known as allotpuns or alloted puns.

Palindrome names are known as allindromes. They are in the language Opendish, which is a language where each letter of a word in a sentence is written backwards, but each word is still in the original order of the original sentence (ex. "I love you" becomes "I evol uoy.")

People aren't really totally conscious of their allotpuns when naming their kids. It's really only ever acknowledged for some comedic purpose.

Heat retainment is anthry sex. The term "heat retainment" refers to the actual generation of heat between two anthries, but the scientific name for the act itself is calefaction (which means the state of becoming warm).

During the age of antherries its purpose was to generate body heat so they could stay alive, but as that ice age ended, their need to do that also faded and the ability became vestigial.

Evolution didn't phase it out simply because anthries just liked doing it. Because of their history with cold weather, anthries also have a natural body response of feeling aroused in response to colder temperatures.

This is a list of a few of the illnesses exclusive to Spinch and that anthries can develop. This does not include the hospital's fake names for illnesses.

  • The Uncommon Cold (TUC) - Illness borne from consuming unfiltered winter plorb milk. TUC causes the body to become frozen and frigid and extremely cold and leads to constant sweating from condensation and other side effects such as mobility issues, joint stiffness, memory loss, emotional numbness, and increased sexual arousal. The brain is frozen in the process.
  • Beaver Fever - Illness borne from consuming unfiltered summer plorb milk. Beaver Fever makes the body extremely hot and overheated; it's a severe fever that technically should be fatal, but it does not kill you. Side effects include high body temperature but shivering, other fever symptoms, and a lack of sexual arousal.
  • Goopy Gooey Guts - An illness where the insides of an anthry become goopy and jelly-like. Caused by consuming unfiltered jlorb jelly. Side effects include internal jelly-fication, stomach pains, and body aches.
  • Glows-a-lot - A condition in which parts of the body glow and you develop a cold, and snot becomes bright pink. Caused by making contact with the liquid luminescence excreted by glowrb.
  • Candy coughs - A condition in which you cough up different kinds of candy uncontrollably. This illness develops and is caused by eating too much candy. Candy types vary.
  • Etsfuhkinredd - A condition which turns all bodily fluids into orange juice, extremely contagious. Caused by consuming unfiltered orange blorb juice.
  • Lifegivsya - A condition which turns all bodily fluids into lemon juice, extremely contagious. Caused by consuming unfiltered lemon blorb juice.
  • Seein Red - A condition which turns all bodily fluids into tomato juice, extremely contagious. Caused by consuming unfiltered tomato blorb juice.
  • Carrot Craze - A condition which turns all bodily fluids into carrot juice, extremely contagious. Caused by consuming unfiltered carrot blorb juice.
  • Systemic greenus evergreena (SGE) - A condition which turns your body green. The cause of SGE is not known, but it is not contagious.
  • Teeths-a-lot - A condition which you grow teeth uncontrollably. Teeths-a-lot is a dental condition caused by poor dental hygiene.


The wildlife of Spinch...

Ferries are the "wild animals" of Spinch. They are not existing animals like anthries, but instead they are "mixes" of animals.

The names of ferries are usually puns or silly in some creative way to mix the names of the original animals. Below is a list of some ferry types, but new ones can be made.

Ferry types


Cogs are four-eared cats that act like dogs. Cogs come in many varying sizes and all sorts of colors. They are omnivorous. They also have a large range of personalities, sometimes they're angels, sometimes they're volatile.


Cox in the wild are territorial carnivores that live alone and don't like being around others. Domestic cox are slightly less hostile, but they only let you pet them on their terms.


Crats are critters who are very playful by nature and make very loveable pets, but they will bite you sometimes! They mostly eat insects food-wise.


Rox are nocturnal herbivores that spend most of the day sleeping in patches of sunlight. In the wild they mostly eat berries and fruits. They can be sweet but get cranky if you pick them up!


Dox are omnivores who will eat basically anything. When strays, they will often dig through garbage cans for food like real-life raccoons. They are very friendly.


Drats are exciteable pets who love attention from their owners. Similar to crats, drats have a diet that consists mostly of insects and small easy-to-catch prey.


Common mops are a domestic ferry that is used for cleaning. They are technically sea ferries, but can live outside of water.


Long mops are another domestic ferry that's used for cleaning. Also sea ferries, long mops have stronger more durable cleaning abilities and you need a license to own them.


Borses are farm ferries and basically serve the same purposes as real-life horses. People go borseback riding and race them. They are herbivores and eat mostly milkgrass.


Hamstears are ferries that live in forests at high elevations. They are known to be very aggressive and territorial and protective of their families. They eat fruit, berries, and sea ferries.


Chipmonkeys are tree-climbing ferries that have a diet that consists of mostly nuts and berries. They are seen basically everywhere in the world and not limited to one exclusive habitat.


Tiolves are carnivorous ferries who live in mountainous regions. They live in packs and have wide territories spread across miles and miles of land.


Hedgedogs live in deserts and drier climates. They are herbivores and eat plants and fruit and nuts. They aren't exactly violent, but their prickly spines protect them from predators.


Rabbats are nocturnal ferries that live in caves and dark, cold places. They eat mostly insects and other small easy-to-catch prey.


Large herbivores that live on grasslands, they are mostly gentle giants, but don't get in their way or else you'll get crushed!


Carnivorous ferries that live in swamps, freshwater lakes and rivers; they mostly eat sea ferries and sky ferries that get too close to the water.


Brogs can be found basically everywhere in the world. They eat exclusively insects and usually reside close to water, but sometimes not.


Cobrabbits eat small ferries. They are found in deserts and forests and mountainous regions. They have deadly venom, so don't let them bite you!


Hippossums can be found both in the wild in forests near water, and wandering city streets at night. They will eat pretty much anything.


Capybaraccoons usually live in cities on streets similar to dox and hippossums and chipmonkeys. They're considered hazardous ferries because there's so many of them!


Boo fish are sea ferries that resemble ghosts. They get their name not only from their appearance, but also the fact in water where they live deep in the ocean, sometimes they appear completely transluscent.


Catfish are sea ferries that well... resemble cats! They live in freshwater lakes and rivers and are very common.


Purrtles are sea ferries that live in all areas of the ocean, even the coldest and warmest of waters! They also travel long distances. Some will even go from the North Pull all the way to the South Pull!


Purrets are sky ferries that live in hot climates and rainforests. They come in very bright colors and mostly eat insects.


Parrats are the most common sky ferry on Spinch. They're found everywhere in cities and just hang around and search for discarded food.


Cranedeer are sky ferries that live at the North Pull. They aren't found anywhere else on Spinch.

Orbs are produce ferries that provide produce of varying types. They can produce milk, juice, jelly, liquid luminescence (not to be consumed), soaps (also not to be consumed), and oils (triple not to be consumed), and so on.

Orb produce in its natural form can be toxic and dangerous to anthries if consumed or touched, so it has to be processed and have its toxic content filtered out. Non-filtered orb produce can cause various illnesses.


Winter plorbs are plorbs that only produce milk in cold months. During the rest of the year, they do not bear milk. Winter plorb milk, when unfiltered, causes the illness The Uncommon Cold.


Summer plorbs are plorbs that only produce milk in warm months. During the rest of the year, they do not bear milk. Summer plorb milk, when unfiltered, causes the illness Beaver Fever.


Carrot blorbs are blorbs that produce carrot juice year round. When unfiltered, their juice causes the illness Carrot Craze.


Orange blorbs are blorbs that produce orange juice year round. When unfiltered, their juice causes the illness Etsfukkenredd.


Lemon blorbs are blorbs that produce lemonade year round. When unfiltered, their juice causes the illness Lifegivsya.


Tomato blorbs are blorbs that produce tomato juice year round. When unfiltered, their juice causes the illness Seein Red.


Grape jlorbs are jlorbs that produce grape jelly year round. When unfiltered, their jelly causes the illness Goopy Gooey Guts.


Raspberry jlorbs are jlorbs that produce raspberry jelly year round. When unfiltered, their jelly causes the illness Goopy Gooey Guts.


Blue raspberry jlorbs are jlorbs that produce blue raspberry jelly year round. When unfiltered, their jelly causes the illness Goopy Gooey Guts.


Strawberry jlorbs are jlorbs that produce strawberry jelly year round. When unfiltered, their jelly causes the illness Goopy Gooey Guts.


Chorbs are a kind of orb that coughs up something that resembles real eggs called cleggs. Cleggs are never toxic and do not induce illnesses.


Shorbs are a kind of orb that is sheared for it wool to make fabrics and other things. Their wool is not toxic and does not cause illness.


Glowrbs are a kind of orb that produces liquid luminescence and oils. The oils and liquids are harvested from the crystals that grow off of their bodies. When unfiltered, contact with these liquids causes the illness Glows-a-lot.

Spinch veganism involves replacing the use of ferry products and tools with artificial or natural things. For example, vegan milk comes from milkgrass instead of plorbs, and vegan juice comes from fruits and berries, and so on.

Other types of veganism involve things such as using artificial mops made of plastic and other things instead of living ones. Most major well-known businesses do not use living mops in their facilities.

There are anthries who believe using ferries for these purposes is harmful to them, especially with orbs- because orbs are also prone to developing illnesses from being over-juiced.


Places in the world...

BIOME: Tundra and woodland
LANGUAGE: Countish
NICKNAME: "The land of research"

Northern Heights is a heavily wooded land with low temperatures. It has a surprisingly dense population despite its small size.


  • Palentine - World-famous for being the home-region of many famous historians, one in particular being the anthry historian and many-traded scientist and university professor known as Thurston Hope.
  • Italhosp - The most dense woodland of Spinch is Italhosp, nicknamed the "secret forest" or alternatively, "the forest of secrets". Italhosp is blocked out from the outside world and some say that you can go there if you want to disappear...
  • Forfuskate - As a cold rural area, Forfuskate is the least populated area of Northern Heights. It's mostly full of fishing villages and small town life and peaceful living compared to its bustling neighbors.
  • Bormanc - Close to the North Pull, Bormanc doesn't have much going on aside from a few ports for ships to refuel. It's largely frozen and mostly uninhabitable.
  • Frezone - A mountainous icy region full of treacherous cliffs and steep heights. It's also allegedly the home of the cryptid, the "Frezone ice monster".

BIOME: Tropical
POPULATION: Very dense
LANGUAGE: Opendish
NICKNAME: "Spinch paradise"

Openrunning is mostly tropical and the most highly populated place on the planet, and also the most expensive place to live due to its beautiful nature.


  • Aah - With a mild climate, Aah is culturally significant and home to many Spinch historians and writers and urban legends.
  • Bungole - Full of lakes and lush fields, cities in Bungole are urban and business oriented.
  • The Paus islands - Famous resort location for people who love the sun but are afraid of the Goda islands.
  • The Nefair islands - Mostly uninhabited islands that have mostly undisturbed ecosystems.
  • Havnoidus - Largely used as farmland, Havnoidus is full of vegetation and canyons. Most of the land is wide and open and spacious.
  • Bodiuv - Where Openrunning gets its "paradise" name- Bodiuv is a tropical paradise with very expensive housing and beautiful views. Very wealthy.

BIOME: Taiga
LANGUAGE: Opendish and Countish
NICKNAME: "The Stomping Grounds"

Familiartree is a mountainous foresty land, and is the origin of most modern life on Spinch due to the fact the earliest modern ferry fossils were found here.


  • Eeria - Big green lush biome, home to many ferry reserves and where the biggest variety of ferries can be found.
  • Imnoeta - Sparse population, rather treacherous mountain climbs, but many people from around the world come to scale Noahe Mountain and the region’s whole tourism industry is built around climbing it.
  • Givup - A mildly cold mountainous area, but with few peaks and lots of vegetation. Not a lot of cities, but a rich cultural history for the local population based on knitting and weaving- It’s where a lot of very nice fabrics come from.
  • Familie - Many big mountain peaks are found here, it’s the place with the most ski resorts in the world, so it’s where many come to go on winter holidays.
  • Yumdra - The most remote area of Familiartree, not a lot of tourism due to the frigid winds.

BIOME: Varied
LANGUAGE: Countish
NICKNAME: "Spinch's soup"

Los Count has the most variety of biomes because of its size and location spreading up from the equator to the Pira sea.

  • Moorening - Dense woodland which is rather isolated from the world, as the roads are too treacherous to leave by car.
  • Disa Point - Mountainous foresty region, home to the Disa Point nature reserve with the oldest trees on Spinch.
  • Midalonoware - The largest region on Spinch- despite this, its mostly empty and full of farming towns and flat land.
  • Greatmist - Home of the Greatmist lakes, the largest lakes on Spinch.
  • Ovspace - A deserted wasteland which was once beautiful but had its wildlife and nature destroyed by oil companies.
  • Harshe - A swampy region with very little solid ground, mostly accessed by boat.
  • Savumfir - Desert region mostly home to factories that moved there from Ovspace after its decline.
  • Zumplac - Mostly urban region home to many famous museums and historical landmarks.
  • Mowtha - The most populated place in Los Count, Mowtha is home to many major cities and companies and establishments.
  • Freezi - Mostly frozen and mostly uninhabited, however, a lot of people visit to explore its interesting land formations.
  • Ailsle - Similar biome as Disa Point, Ailsle is a big manufacturing and trading center where a lot of businesses make things.
  • Lawnaire - Peaceful flatlands with small town life and very little bustling of the cities, mostly home to people who retire.
  • Greenar - Home to many orbs and researching orb diseases and products.

BIOME: Grasslands, canyons
LANGUAGE: Countish
NICKNAME: "The Heartbreakers"

Bakinghearts is a hot and dry grassy land full of desert, wastelands, prairies, canyons, and lots of open space.

  • Abanon - Biggest mining region on Spinch, many minerals and resources are found here. It's also the only place glowrbs live in its caves.
  • Azzine - Arid and mostly uninhabited, the sun shines down the hardest over Azzine.
  • Umid - Grasslands with lots of unusual and mysterious plant overgrowth in various places and towns...
  • Zerious - Full of rocky canyons and the alleged home of the mythical figure Solion Sunn.
  • Equiatic - Notable for its unusually strong winds, Equatic has a very large sky ferry population.
  • Drier - Full of many bayous and swamps, the small town locals tell stories of monsters that live in the swamps- but it's mostly dangerous ferries- right...?

BIOME: Boreal forest, alpine tundra
POPULATION: Very small
LANGUAGE: Countish
NICKNAME: "The Sudden Deaths"

Southern Death is one of the most mysterious places on Spinch due to the fact many unusual events occur in its mostly desolate forests. Many people believe it is cursed.

  • Urgly - Dense fields of pine trees cover this dark and gloomy region, where the sky always seems cloudy for some reason…
  • Sickovna-min - Most of the population of Southern Death lives here, as its the least unsettling area, but for some reason people seem more forgetful out here...
  • Shetup - The least populated area of Spinch that still has a population, even less than the Pulls; A dense fog envelops this land, giving it a feel like that of the afterlife.
  • Gotheme - A region that was once foresty became completely frozen over in a mysterious and unexplainable meteorological event. Gotheme is completely and totally uninhabited except for careless explorers who dare to venture here and are never seen again.

Notable landforms

The Goda islands are a series of small islands off the coast of Los Count. They sit over a landform in the ocean known as Goda Mountain which is an oceanic supervolcano and is considered, quite literally, the deadliest and most devastating force on the entire planet.

Goda Mountain was created by Emem and Tears for the purpose of preventing them from needing to change the layout of the world- Goda Mountain's eruptions are so powerful that they completely alter the entire surface of the world and all its continents.

Every eruption of Goda Mountain is theorized to very likely be the cause of every major ice age on Spinch. These ice ages are induced by the fact the ash from the volcano's eruptions being so great that it blocks out sunlight and dramatically lowers global temperatures.

The volcano is closely monitored by the SAV (Spinch association of volcanology), where a few scientists predict the volcano has an impending eruption overdue, but a lot don't believe it's true.

Efusekay (pronounced Eh-fu-seh-kay, NOT f-u-c-k) is the deepest point of Spinch's ocean. It's visible from space - a strange and mysterious dark shadow under the surface.

It's believed by scientists to have been caused by tectonic activity like most sea trenches, but there's a strange legend that there used to be an entire continent there that mysteriously disappeared.

This legend says that an ancient civilization known as the Efusakiens used to live there, but something happened to them where one day their entire society and all their land somehow vanished off the face of Spinch.

Shadeh is not visible anywhere from space despite its size, but that's mostly because people believe that's because it's constantly moving and never in the same place twice.

What is it, exactly? It's not entirely known, but a lot of people think that it has something to do with Emem and Tears.


The fantastical world...

Enchanthries are anthries that have magic abilities, and are often mythical creatures from folklore.

Regular anthries who use magic are simply called magic users. The existence of enchanthries on Spinch is not exactly a secret, but they aren't very well known because enchanthries tend to not draw much attention to themselves.

The scientific community still hasn't really accepted the existence of magic or enchanthries for they cannot find a way to logically explain them or their powers.


Unicorns have natural healing powers and conditional immortality, which is a healing ability in which a unicorn cannot die from illness or injury, only old age and at the hands of another unicorn.


Dragons have extremely high body temperatures and possess pyrokinesis. They are not affected by cold weather and temperatures in the way regular anthries are due to their fire magic.


The curse of evolutionary reversion, a curse which causes anthries to turn back into their distant ancestors of therries. They have to learn to control their beast form from childhood. If turned into a werebeast later in life, control of the form is more difficult.


Vampires on Spinch are much like they are in horror media. They cannot survive in daylight and they survive off of attacking anthries and drinking their blood. They have mind control powers as well, and the ability to wipe people's memories.


ESPers have the ability to read people's minds. ESPers only have one eye which is often covered up by the ESPer with a mask to avoid exposing themselves. They are largely feared by people because of their incredible powers, and this leads them to hide their identities to avoid scaring people who don't want their minds read.


Objecthries are the children of anthries and inanimate objects, through objectum relationships. They are often "fusions" of anthries and the other object parent(s), but always have an anthry body shape and just traits of the object.

Cake enchanthry

Cake enchanthries are made out of cake. Their insides are cake and frosting, they do not have organs. They are technically edible, but most people... generally do not do that.

Piñata enchanthry

Piñata enchanthries are made out paper and cardboard. Their insides are candy, and similar to cake enchanthries, they do not have actual organs or blood or anything like that.


Technically not an enchanthry, robanthries are "anthry-made" in the sense they are built mechanically and not made by Emem. Robanthries are a huge topic of ethical debate in modern Spinch. Some say giving anyone the power to create life is immoral. However, sometimes robanthries used to be anthries who just transitioned to be robanthry. That's considered a different conversation.

Magic is the controlling of Spinch's elements, and any anthry can learn to be a magic user, not just enchanthries, but some are more naturally gifted in the art of magic.


Abilities: Travel through time (most don’t do this because it’s very dangerous), slow down time/objects/persons, speed up time/objects/persons, pause time/objects/persons.


Abilities: Control and manipulate light.


Abilities: Control the life cycle of objects/living things, control nature (make plants grow, etc), animating non-living things.


Abilities: Healing living things/organic things, the ability to drain health and use it for yourself.


Abilities: Change temperature and the states of matter, control and manipulate ice and or fire.

Day/night (time and light fusion)

Abilities: Control daylight and sunlight, submerse objects/persons/areas in darkness or light.

Nature light (life and light fusion)

Abilities: Control bioluminescence (you can make yourself or other living things glow).

Emotion (life and health fusion)

Abilities: Control emotions of living things/general atmospheres, sense and detect emotions of others.

Weather (life and temperature fusion)

Abilities: Control and manipulate weather, water, wind, lightning, and or temperature.

Technology (life and time fusion)

Abilities: Determine the function/components of an object or living thing, see the history and past of an object or living thing.


The story of Spinch virtues...

When Tears saw that their creations were not being kind to one another, she wanted to intervene and make a change. One day, she used her magic to lead a sailor astray in the ocean and lure them to Shadeh, which is the place Emem and Tears live. Shadeh is not visible from space and many doubt its existence at all.

This sailor was a cat named Sol Bing. She lured him to Shadeh and spoke to him and asked him to teach anthries to be kind to each other again and explained her ideas for how to encourage this kindness. Sol was a painter and did not have pencils, so he used paintbrushes to paint out her ideas and later turned them to words..

These words became little journals which came to be known as the Watercolors. These color-named journals represented the different parts of Virtuism - the Green Watercolor being for kindness, the Red Watercolor being for self-respect, and the Blue Watercolor being for forgiveness. Later, other Watercolors would be written by other Virtuists who contributed their ideas to the philosophy

Each Watercolor represented a different virtue, and the journals went into detail about how to follow these virtues for others.


The Green Watercolor is about kindness. It taught ways to have a benelovent nature and an attitude of goodwill. This meant doing things like going out of your way to help those in need, being generous with resources, and listening and showing interest in what others had to say. It taught about using uplifting and positive words (and to not use derogatory or offensive or vulgar language - such as swearing) and showing kindness even when there was no benefit to yourself. Putting other's needs above your own, supporting people's dreams, and showing patience. This Watercolor is one of the most valued of them all.


The Red Watercolor is about self-respect. It taught that respecting others was a big part of it - finding good qualities in others helped with finding them in yourself. It taught to not be bullied into silence and made a victim and to always stick up for yourself and what you believed - and to not change who you are even if others didn't like it. It describes being faithful to what exists within you, such as embracing your talents and values, and that self care was vital to being able to care for others. Putting yourself first was not wrong, as long as it didn't come from a place of egotism or lack of care for other people.


The Blue Watercolor is about forgiveness. It taught about not dwelling in the past, for it would not solve your problems. But this meant you had to face those problems to find a solution - shutting the person who hurt you out or trying to ignore it instead of attempting to change your situation would only cause you more pain, and lead to that dwelling and lasting pain. It taught that forgiveness was ultimately a choice that would either be made once, or a choice that had to be made every single day, because not every pain was something you could just drop immediately and let go. Most importantly, it taught that forgiveness was never, ever for the other person, and that the other person didn't even ever need to know - it was for yourself and finding your own peace and healing.


The Pink Watercolor is about love. Though it contains mostly positive values, some of its contents would lead to harmful societal effects and it would become somewhat controversial. It introduced the idea of romantic love and monogomy. This meant showing extreme devotion to one person, not tolerating mistreatment of that person, protecting that person at all costs, prioritizing their needs just as much as yours, spending time with them, and always believing the best and never doubting them. It also detailed the idea that sex should be kept to this one person, as it was a sacred thing that should stay between two people, and having sex with others besides your devoted partner was wrong. Sex was also taught to be something you should always keep private and with your partner exclusively because of its sacred nature. It also described the act of masturbation being a waste of your love when it should be shared only with your devoted partner.


The Orange Watercolor, made out of the writings of Nadia Bitch, is about redemption. It taught that nobody is beyond redemption, and there was always hope to change who you are and become better. It taught that everyone is deserving of it, and you shouldn't have to live with what you think is who you are - you are always capable of changing your own life. Self-revelation was key in redemption - identifying these things about yourself and things you've done wrong, and making efforts to overcome them. It also taught that you needed to accept that redeeming yourself would not fix the hurt you caused or undo the damage, but it would prevent you from making the same mistakes and causing more harm. The people you've hurt may not always want to take you back and forgive you, but you could still forgive yourself. It teaches willpower, self-control, and not letting yourself give up because you think you're never going to get better, even if it seems so far out of reach. It also teaches that no matter what, every living being is deserving of this as long as they really do have the willingness to change.

Amy Monog was a Virtuist from the 3000s who would write the Pink Watercolor about love and introduce the idea of romantic love and monogamy to anthries.

Though her intentions were originally positive, her teachings began to lead to a societal shift in the overall view of sexuality, a movement known as Monogatism.

Sex was taught to be kept private between two committed people when it was once such a major part of who anthries were. It became something shameful to be kept out of the public and discussion because it was “more special that way” between two people.

Centuries later, her teachings would be revealed to have sanitized history by Thurston Hope.

Nadia Bitch was another ocean explorer from Nefair who wanted to find Shadeh for selfish glory reasons just like Sol did, but upon her journey she was shipwrecked and never seen again.

Nadia was known to be a cruel, unloving, evil woman when she was around with very little respect for her. Years later, a bottle washed up on the shore of Bungole containing a series of countless detailed writings explaining how she arrived at Shadeh but was stranded and being there reformed her into a good person.

She learned how to become better despite her actions, and wrote about things Tears taught her that closely aligned with the Blue Watercolor but forgiveness for oneself and becoming good again.

These letters would be turned into the Orange Watercolor, about redemption. The color orange was chosen to represent fire, rebirth through destruction. The Bitch sea was then named in her honor as its where she was last seen.

Thurston Hope

The man who proved everyone wrong...

Before the writing of the Pink watercolor in the 3000s, anthries had a stronger understanding of history, particularly related to their ancestors, the antherries.

Antherries (and then what became anthries) were originally polyamorous in nature.

Their social groups were largely surrounded by romantic and sexual dynamics, and this remained true for most of history.

When Monog wrote the Pink watercolor, it became a massive movement that essentially brainwashed anthries. Though some disagreed with the ideas that Monog taught, they were drowned out by the voices of these people.

People began to stop teaching the truth about sexuality and its history as a result.

An aspiring scientist and historian from the city of Niceburg named Thurston Hope was very interested in the scientific phenomenon behind anthries biological response to cold weather, but due to the censorship, people weren't teaching those sciences anymore. He wanted to learn more about it.

Schools had begun teaching the story of antherries similar to the children's tale of hugging in the cold, which is why the holiday tells that story to this day- but Thurston was curious and unrelenting.

He analyzed ancient artifacts and cave paintings and re-interpreted their meanings. He tried to make publications of his theories, but it was widely controversial and rejected. People thought he was crazy and perverted.

His primary scientific rival was a woman named Abigail Andonall who "debunked" every single one of his theories, and people listened to her because they didn't want to accept the possibility that he was right.

Despite Thurston being considered controversial and essentially a perverse madman in the scientific community, there came a day in which a scientist named Earl Wrong proved his theories were right through DNA analysis of an antherry artifact.

Cave paintings were also analyzed to identify depictions of rope burns on the hands of antherries, also proving sexuality to exist in their species.

Not only was everything Thurston said right, but it was now indisputable. The world had no idea how to react. Soon, though, he would be seen as a historical hero and history was saved from its sanitization.

Though anthries have now accepted the truth about Monogatism, some things about it remained parts of anthry culture in the modern day.

As an example, though the holiday Kissmas formed out of her teachings, people would continue to celebrate it because it became more than what it originally was and brought feelings of joy to many anthries.

There's still Virtuists out there, aptly named Pink Virtuists, who stick to the ideals and teachings of Monog, but a majority of people either ignore all of it or strictly treat it as historical significance and acknowledge its effect on anthry culture in its time.

Anthry advancements

What they have that we don't...

Compared to humans, anthries have made remarkable medical advancements that we simply don't have yet.

As seen at the hospital, anthries have the ability to survive things that they realistically shouldn't. Limbs or other body parts being amputated can be re-attached, organs removed can be re-added, and health magic can be used in some cases to heal severe injuries, depending on the route people want to take.

Gender-reaffirming care and surgeries are also more advanced than they currently are in humans. Through organ donation, the internal sides of anthry genitals can make bottom surgery fully functional, which is still something that's being worked on in the real world. These organ donations often happen via other trans surgeries- it's kind of like people swapping insides to help others who want similar things! However, scars may still be present in some operations like top surgery, but that's natural with any surgery.

There is also the case of robanthry transition (see below).

Technology has also advanced in several ways beyond current human abilities. 95% of Spinch functions on clean, enviromentally friendly energy. They do not use fossil fuels for anything, except in some remote places like Ovspace or places in Southern Death which haven't had major changes since the 60th century.

Cars run on electric and solar power. Electricty is also solar-powered. Anthries also have prevented the human experience of climate change due to their worldwide movement to improve the environment. They also do not have the issues related to consuming beef like humans do, because they do not eat meat.

A mix of medical and technological advancement, Robanthries are essentially man-made anthries. There are a lot of controversies surrounding their existence.

People believe that life should remain in the hands of Emem, and that giving anyone the ability to make life is immoral and wrong.

Transitioned robanthries are anthries who have turned themselves into entirely mechanical lifeforms. They're considered a different conversation because of the fact becoming a robanthry is a choice made by already-living anthries created by Emem. The procedures to transition to robanthries are very high-risk though, and you have to be 18 to receive any of them.

Stuff and things

Websites, media, brands...



Wuzzat is a search engine that lets you access information and websites.

You can also ask questions and find answers to them!



Uniconnect is a social media website where you can talk to people and add friends, share images and videos, and post journals/blogs and writing.



Video and movie and TV show sharing website, where you can upload a variety of video types (as long as it's appropriate!)



Art and OC sharing website! There's also stuff for making your own stories and universes.



Official website of Thurston Hope Academy. This site serves as an information directory for everything in the world you can think of!




Story sharing website! Can be fiction, real-life experiences, and even urban legends.



Website for... uhhhhhhh... well...... uhhhhhh....



Notso Shore News, a news website which is skeptical about everything and doesn't come to conclusions quickly on their stories.

Because they don't eat meat and all anthries are vegetarian, their "equivalent" of several types of meats are called beat (meat), chichen (chicken), gotbeef (beef), bork (pork). These "meats" are made out of mushrooms to resemble meat and is basically the same concept as plant-based meat products.

Food businesses

These are a few notable food franchises on Spinch.

  • Rememburger - Fast food chain that sells burgers, chichen tenders, hot dogs and corn dogs.
  • Southern Death Chichen Kitchen - Fried chichen place that serves Southern Death chichen, which is a type of chichen that is unbelievably spicy. Its name not only comes from its place of origin, but it's truly like sudden death.
  • Lie's - Sit-down diner restaurant that serves a variety of foods.
  • Northern Heights Bites - Fast food chain that serves "bite-sized" foods like mini corn dogs and chichen nuggets and tater tots.

On Spinch, there are Spinch equivalents of media like TV shows and video games. Until recently, this applied to brands and franchises and websites too, but media remains. Any media associated with certain brands is now a standalone thing or is under a different company.

Video games

  • The Sims - The Zims
  • Animal Crossing - Ferry Crossing
  • Stardew Valley - Moondrop Valley
  • Pokemon - Orbemon
  • Club Penguin - Cranedeer Clique
  • Roblox - Gruplux
  • Neopets - Geopets
  • Webkinz - Netkins
  • Super Mario - Zuper Zario
  • Portal - Hole
  • Plants VS Zombies - Fungi VS Grossguys
  • Smash Bros - Pass Bros


  • The Birthday Massacre - The Holiday Slaughter
  • Imagine Dragons - Envision Lizards
  • Mother Mother - Father Father
  • Glass Animals - Porcelain Creatures
  • Set It Off - Turn It On
  • The Neighbourhood - The Community
  • Owl City - Bird Town
  • My Chemical Romance - My Synthetic Affection
  • Coldplay - Coolresume
  • Three Days Grace - Two Days Blessing
  • Evanescence - Sevenescence
  • Cascada - Scascada
  • Death Grips - Perish Grapple
  • Boards of Canada - Panel of Northern Heights
  • Aphex Twin - Bheta Brother

You are free and welcome to invent your own Spinch-ified forms of medias!

Other worlds

Across the universe...

(Click to expand)

The Rolas Metsys is the solar system that Spinch exists in, and it's the solar system that Emem and Tears were assigned to make a planet for. Other poggies made the other planets in it, but Spinch is specifically their project. It was named in Opendish.

(yes, we know, anthries spelled it wrong when naming it.)


Kepchup is a really hot planet. It's home to Animocity, which is a society underneath a layer of suffocating volcanic clouds that makes the land a “hellscape” in appearance.


The inhabitants of Animocity are called Animons, which are demonic animal humanoid creatures resembling anthries.

Their features tend to include various forms of white striped curved horns and white striped tails, alongside black and red and orange fur colors and eyes.

Their blood is orangeish-red like lava and their blush and injuries are also orangeish-red. They cannot fly and usually do not have wings, but they do have the advantage of being able to shape land/rocks and lava flows. They are essentially defenseless in Anthell due to the lack of physical ground.


The creator of Kepchup is a Poggie named Sweat Enblood who is the estranged brother of Tears. Legends say they had differing ideals about creating life that damaged their relationship, and Sweat is now considered a cursed name in Virtuism.


Penuts is the cloud planet. Its the home of Anthell, a society that lives on the clouds. Different regions of the planet experience different specific weathers. It's unknown if Penuts has a surface or solid ground.


The inhabitants of Anthell are called Anthrels are weather-themed angel-like animal humanoid creatures resembling anthries.

Their features tend to be related to weather, as do their allotpuns. They have water instead of blood in their veins, making their blush and injuries blue.

They tend to have wings and a halo and can fly and phase through things (like clouds) at will but most of the time their bodies are solid. They can make themselves phase to prevent injury. They can also control weather and water.


The creator of Penuts is a Poggie named Cardi Vascular who is the sister of Tears and Sweat. She is alleged to be a kind and loving soul who cares a lot about her creations.


Sprimkle is the water planet. Its the home of Aquarity, a society that lives under the water. The land formations in the water like trenches determine the regional boundaries and cities of Aquarity.


The inhabitants of Aquarity are called Aquanthries which are anthry cat creatures with fish characteristics.

It's important to note that every aquanthry is cat-like. They cannot breathe oxygen and have gills. They have regular red blood like anthries.

Their biology and society is strangely close to anthry society, almost to a level that is quite curious.


The creator of Sprimkle is unknown... who could have made it?

User-asked worldbuilding questions

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