Spinch Lore Guide

Welcome to the official Spinch lore guide! This is a collection of the most important information about Spinch. Here you might be able to find information about anything you want to know about the world! Feel free to reference this for OCs and fan works. It will be updated over time.

Last updated: November 19th, 2022 (11/19/22)

Table of Contents

Spinch is the planet that Sparklecare takes place on. It exists in the Rolas Metsys in the Twix galaxy. The inhabitants of Spinch are anthries and ferries.

Region map

City map

(Click to view full images)

Landcountryland (LCL) is very foresty and cold. It has a surprisingly high population considering its size, and it's a highly virtuist place. Italhosp in the southeast of Landcountryland is almost completely covered with forest on every inch of its surface area, stretching across the entire region. people have to build their houses between trees there.
Countrycountryland (CCL) is a mix of jungle and desert (with the exception of Runinowta which is mostly grasslands like Mowtha and Midalonoware in CLC). It's the most populated place on Spinch and living there is very expensive because of it because the sights and nature are so beautiful and breathtaking and everyone wants to be around it. Though, its very hot there, and it's harder for anthries with long fur, so people who live there get their fur cut a lot.
Landlandland (LLL) is arctic and alpine, it's not as inhabited as some other places but theres still cities with a handful of people here and there. Eeriera is also mostly grasslands though like Runinowta and Mowtha. LLL is the home of the Noahe mountain range in Familie, which has the tallest mountain in the world, Noahe mountain.
Countrylandcountry (CLC) has a mix of pretty much everything since it extends from down at the equator up to the pira sea, it's the biggest continent including Freezi as a connected region. The Goda islands where the Goda mountain volcano is are considered part of the Mowtha region.
Countruntry (CTT) is mostly desert and wastelands, there isn't much grass or plant life there at all because it wont grow. some areas that do have a lot of plant life seem to have them under mysterious circumstances... Northern Abanon sits on the Alma fault line so it has been home to devastating earthquakes. They have to make all the buildings SUPER strong and resistant to earthquakes, but the high maintenance required also means that everything looks super nice!
Landlandcountry (LLC) is pretty much the same as Landcountryland, thick forests and arctic, but BARELY anyone lives there even though there are some cities/towns, the population is extremely low). Gotheme is said to be the home of snow cryptids and known for mysterious disappearances that happen whenever anyone goes there...
Goda mountain

Goda mountain is a supervolcano beneath the Goda islands near Mowtha. It is the largest and most deadly volcano on the planet, and is thought to have been responsible for a majority of, if not all, of Spinch's major ice ages. The eruptions from Goda mountain are so catastrophic that they're also believed to have caused several mass extinction events, and scientists agree that if it were to erupt again, it could potentially wipe out all life on Spinch once again. The Spinch Association of Volcanology has a program dedicated to monitoring Goda mountain specifically with many of its team located on the islands.


Efusekay is the deepest point of Spinch's ocean. It's visible from space-- a strange and mysterious dark shadow under the surface. It's believed by scientists to have been caused by tectonic activity like most sea trenches, but there's a strange legend that there used to be an entire continent there that mysteriously disappeared. This legend says that an ancient civilization known as the Efusakiens used to live there, but something happened to them where one day their entire society and all their land somehow vanished off the face of Spinch.


Shadeh is not visible anywhere from space despite its size, but that's mostly because people believe that's because it's constantly moving and never in the same place twice. What is it, exactly? It's not entirely known, but a lot of people think that it has something to do with Emem and Tears. Because of this, scientists doubt its existence.

Major cities
Lufraef in Aah, CCL, is the home of the mysterious Aahrea 51, which is a flight testing facility. People believe that it's actually a science facility that has aliens in it... but that's just silliness, right...? ...Right?????
Niceburg in Palentine, LCL, is also known as research city, where many famous historians and scientists live. It's also where you will find the Thurston Hope museum, which is the biggest anthry history museum on Spinch, named after historian and anthrologist Thurston Hope.
Amberoak in Mowtha, CLC, is a city full of movie studios and where all the movie stars and celebrities live! It's expensive to live there and there's lots of big fancy hotels and resorts. A lot of people don't like it though because of how close it is to the Goda islands, and if Goda mountain were to erupt it would probably be immediately buried and destroyed... yikes.
Near (and technically inside of, technically) Frankdale in Zerious, CTT, is where you'll find the Honnes valley, the biggest and most spectacular valley in the world! It's a beautiful sight, and definitely one of the most amazing nature points of Countruntry. It's the truest out there.
Flurry Pines in Imnoeta, LLL, is where most wild orbs come from. Ferologists agree that the general region around Flurry Pines is probably where the first orbs were found and spread around Spinch as early antherries discovered their useful benefits! You can find lots of wild orbs there, free from farms, and it's illegal to take these orbs from their home. Though, people steal them sometimes anyway, because their produce is considered to be the best in the world.
Burnridge in Urgly, LLC, is named after the fact the forest it's located in was destroyed by a massive fire in the 5500s, one of the biggest fires known in modern history. Seen from space it is a dark mark on the ground, and no life seems to grow in this strange burned patch, and a lot of people go there just to snoop around and explore it, but it's not advised by the Urgly government simply because it's not exactly safe there. The fire's cause is unknown... it's almost as if suddenly it started out of nowhere.
Months and holidays

Months on Spinch

  • Danuary
  • Bebruary
  • Arch
  • Mapril
  • Jay
  • Mune
  • Muly
  • Saugust
  • Eptember
  • Noctober
  • Ovember
  • Jecember

Weekdays on Spinch

  • Runday
  • Moanday
  • Bluesday
  • Tednesday
  • Wurseday
  • Cryday
  • Sadderday

Holidays on Spinch

  • Danuary 1st: Year's First day - The first day of the Spinch calendar year. Year's First day is preceded by Year's Last Eve (Jecember 31st). People celebrate Year's First day by spinning a globe 12 times until midnight (and if you miss the last spin at the last moment it's a bad omen!)
  • Bebruary 14th: Palentine's day (Virtuist holiday) - A holiday coming from the region of Palentine. People in Palentine consider giving flowers a symbol of hope and love because it's so cold there and flowers typically don't grow much. It's like giving people a little Spring early on before Spring begins (originating in asking Tears to bring Spring to them sooner).
  • Arch 6th: Unique day - A day about loving yourself and appreciating who you are, because there'll never be another you. This is not a major holiday, and not everyone celebrates it, but it’s a nice one.
  • Mapril 4th: Rainer's day (Virtuist holiday) - On Rainer's day, if it rains, it's considered a good omen for good things to come. If it does not rain, it means that there are bad things to come or that there's something seriously wrong with how you're living your life at the time, and that you should strive to change things. The rain represents Tears washing away the bad future.
  • Jay 15th: Parent's day - A day celebrating parents!
  • Mune 3rd-12th: Missmas - A holiday about taking time to yourself and being alone. It's the opposite of Kissmas, which is about being close to others.
  • Muly 11th: Cherish day (Virtuist holiday) - A day about appreciating the people in your life, whether it be friends, family, or loved ones. It's also about being grateful to Tears and Emem for the life they gave you.
  • Eptember 10th: Egg day - A day celebrating children and young people. It's the opposite of parent's day.
  • Noctober 31st: Galloween - Just Spinch Halloween.
  • Jecember 3rd-12th: Kissmas - Holiday of love and warmth, formed around the tradition of hugging and being close to stay warm.
Real world equivalents

Spinch is notably an "Earth parody" which means it has a lot of similarities to Earth, including various things from pop culture or businesses. These real world equivalents tend to have silly parody names that are synonymous with their real world counterparts.

NOTE: This is NOT an exhaustive list of every single thing in existence, it's only various existing things that I have come up with for specific use in lore before. Just because something is not listed here does not mean it doesn't exist. This will probably be updated over time as I come up with new things. If you want to know the equivalent of something that you think should be on here, feel free to send it to the official Tumblr and I may add it to this list!


  • Google - Boogle
    • Gmail - Bmail
    • Google maps - Boogle maps
    • Google drive - Boogle drive
    • Etc (anything with Google's name in it is replaced with Boogle)
  • Yahoo! - Wahoo!
    • Yahoo mail - Wahoo mail
    • Yahoo answers - Wahoo answers
    • Yahoo Geocities - Zeocities
    • Etc
  • Bing - Ging
  • YouTube - KneeTube
  • Tumblr - Bummr
  • Twitter - Bwitter
  • Facebook - Facespace
  • Myspace - Myplace
  • Instagram - Grimstagram
  • Reddit - Regreddit
  • Fanfiction.net - Factfiction.net
  • deviantART - aberrantART
  • Wikipedia - Spinchipedia
  • TVtropes - Teletropes
  • Wattpad - Yattpad
  • Newgrounds - Freshyards


  • Apple - Banana
    • Any variation of "i" devices becomes "u" (ex. uPad, uPhone, uPod, etc)
    • Mac devices are instead referred to as "Peel" (Peelbook, etc)
  • Microsoft - Microhard
    • Microsoft paint - Microhard pain

Platforms that are not necessarily social media but are internet-connected (ex. chat services)

  • Discord - Disharmony
  • Skype - Hype
  • Spotify - Dotify
  • Steam - Watervapor
  • Netflix - Fletnix
  • Whatsapp - Howsit


  • McDonald's - WcDonald's
    • Anything on the regular McDonald's menu containing "Mac" is translated to "Wac" or "Mc" becomes "Wc"
  • Wendy's - Mendy's
  • Subway - Domway
  • Pizza Hut - Hizza Put
  • Domino's - Dominoe's


  • The Birthday Massacre - The Holiday Slaughter
  • Imagine Dragons - Envision Lizards
  • Mother Mother - Father Father
  • Glass Animals - Porcelain Creatures
  • Set It Off - Turn It On
  • The Neighbourhood - The Community
  • Owl City - Bird Town
  • My Chemical Romance - My Synthetic Affection
  • Coldplay - Coolresume
  • Three Days Grace - Two Days Blessing
  • Evanescence - Sevenescence
  • Cascada - Scascada

Anthries are the inhabitants of Spinch. They are anthropomorphic animals that walk on two legs and talk. They can be a variety of colors and any animal species, except for humans and insects.

A rabbit anthry.

History and evolution

Anthries are creations of Emem and Tears. They evolved from antherries, which evolved from therries. Therries were thick furred beasts that walked on four legs. They were very large and had long fur to survive the cold weather of Spinch's third major ice age. After the end of that ice age, therries evolved into a smaller size and became known as antherries. Their bodies shrank because they didn't need to stay warm anymore. However, when another ice age hit in response to another eruption from Goda mountain, antherries had to find a way to survive and they began engaging in heat retainment (also referred to as calefaction).


Anthries don't eat meat even though they are technically omnivores-- it's just considered unnecessary to them unless a situation is dire and they'll starve if they don't eat a ferry. They prefer to eat things made from orb products or plants. Veganism on Spinch is the preference of not consuming orb produce for food or other purposes.

Heat retainment

Heat retainment is anthry sex. The term "heat retainment" refers to the actual generation of heat between two anthries, but the scientific name for the act itself is calefaction (which means the state of becoming warm). During the age of antherries its purpose was to generate body heat so they could stay alive, but as that ice age ended, their need to do that also faded and the ability became vestigial. Evolution didn't phase it out simply because anthries just liked doing it. Because of their history with cold weather, anthries also have a natural body response of feeling aroused in response to colder temperatures. The holiday Kissmas has origins that are rooted in heat retainment, but the meaning has changed over time to be a wider range of love and affection.


Anthries reproduce through eggs created by Emem. Emem uses the resources of Spinch, like plants and water and soil, and blends them together magically to create new life! Each egg will bear colors of the child it contains, and often have a pattern connected to who they are in some symbolic way. Or sometimes, it's random, if Emem has no idea what the kid is going to be like. Two anthries can only become parents if they want to and their love is true. Eggs arrive in a blanket and basket on the doorstep of the new parents, and they take six months to hatch into a baby! Twins and triplets and quadruplets etc will share the same egg. Sometimes, things can happen to the baby if their egg is tampered with, but eggs generally are very strong and durable and it is not possible to completely break them or harm the baby inside. However, tampering with an egg can affect and influence the appearance of the baby (such as coating it with paint or a dye or something, etc). An anthry or ferry's birthday is known as a hatchday. Half birthdays are called eggdays (the day in which your parents received your egg)!


Every anthry has either a pun name or a palindrome name. Pun names are in the language Countrandish (whatever language the comic is read in... Earth languages) and palindrome names are in the language Countrountrish. Countrountrish is where each letter of a word in a sentence is written backwards, but each word is still in the original order of the original sentence (ex. "I love you" becomes "I evol uoy.") The pun in someone's name is something anthries call an allotpun, and the palindrome is called an allindrome. People aren't really totally conscious of their allotpuns when naming their kids. It's really only ever acknowledged for some comedic purpose.

Magic anthries

Magic anthries are anthries that have magic abilities, and are often mythical creatures. General anthries who use magic are simply called magic users. The existence of magic anthries on Spinch is not exactly a secret, but they aren't very well known because magic anthries tend to not draw much attention to themselves. The scientific community still hasn't really accepted the existence of magic or magic anthries for they cannot find a way to logically explain them or their powers.

Types of magic anthries

  • Unicorns
    • Notable for having healing powers and conditional immortality, which is a healing ability in which a unicorn cannot die from illness or injury, only old age and at the hands of another unicorn.
  • Dragons
    • Notable for having pyrokinesis and a very high body temperature
  • Werebeasts
    • Werebeasts are anthries that are cursed to revert back into therries, which were the giant thick-furred monstrous ancestors of anthries. They have to learn to control their beast form from childhood. If turned into a werebeast later in life, control of the form is more difficult. Werebeasts in their anthry forms cannot naturally engage in (or want to enage in) heat retainment because they are therries, which existed before anthries evolved to retain heat.
  • Vampires
    • Vampires on Spinch are much like they are in horror media. They cannot survive in daylight and they survive off of attacking anthries and drinking their blood. They have mind control powers as well, and the ability to wipe people's memories.
  • ESPers
    • ESPers are anthries that have the ability to read people's minds. ESPers only have one eye which is often covered up by the ESPer to avoid exposing themselves. They are largely feared by people because of their incredible powers, and this leads them to hide their identities to avoid scaring people who don't want their minds read.
  • Party anthries
    • Party anthries include pinata anthries, cake anthries, and paper anthries. Pinata anthries tend to have candy instead of organs, cake anthries are full of cake, and paper anthries tend to have no insides at all.
Magic types

Magic is the controlling of Spinch's elements, and any anthry can learn to be a magic user, not just magic anthries, but some are more naturally gifted in the art of magic.


Abilities: Travel through time (most don’t do this because it’s very dangerous), slow down time/objects/persons, speed up time/objects/persons, pause time/objects/persons.


Abilities: Control and manipulate light.


Abilities: Control the life cycle of objects/living things, control nature (make plants grow, etc), animating non-living things.


Abilities: Healing living things/organic things, the ability to drain health and use it for yourself.


Abilities: Change temperature and the states of matter, control and manipulate ice and or fire.

Day/night (fusion of time and light)

Abilities: Control daylight and sunlight, submerse objects/persons/areas in darkness or light.

Nature light (fusion of light and life)

Abilities: Control bioluminescence (you can make yourself or other living things glow).

Emotion (fusion of health and life)

Abilities: Control emotions of living things/general atmospheres, sense and detect emotions of others.

Weather (fusion of temperature and life)

Abilities: Control and manipulate weather, water, wind, lightning, and or temperature.

Technology (fusion of time and life)

Abilities: Determine the function/components of an object or living thing, see the history and past of an object or living thing.


Another ancient ancestor of anthries is the dinerry, or an anthry dinosaur. They existed long before even therries, millions of years ago, but they went extinct. Nobody knows for certain exactly what happened to cause their extinction, but there's a lot of theories. The most popular theory involves the eruption of Goda mountain, since it's been known to possibly be responsible for most of Spinch's mass extinction events. One strange and bizarre conspiracy theory that a lot of movies are centered around is that they migrated under the surface of Spinch and now live inside a bunch of tunnels deep underground. Very strange.


Ferries are the second main inhabitants of Spinch. They are feral animals that do not speak like anthries do-- the Spinch equivalent to normal animals. Ferries are usually blends of two existing animals to avoid confusion with anthries (though it can get confusing when two different species of anthries have a kid and it's a mix of two animals that matches that of a ferry, such as a cat anthry and a dog anthry having a kid-- because on Spinch there are "cogs" which are the main pets of anthries, a mix of cats and dogs. Confusing...) There are also sky ferries and sea ferries, which are like flying animals and aquatic animals. Insects are also ferries, because there are no anthry insects.

A cog-- a domestic ferry. They are like cats with four ears and sometimes have dog traits.


Orbs are produce ferries that provide produce of varying types. They can produce milk, juice, jelly, liquid luminescence (not to be consumed), soaps (also not to be consumed), and oils (triple not to be consumed.) Orb produce in its natural form can be toxic and dangerous to anthries if consumed or touched, so it has to be processed and have its toxic content filtered out. Non-filtered orb produce can cause various illnesses.

Jlorbs (jelly orbs).

Plorbs (milk orbs).

Chorbs (egg orbs).

Blorbs (juice orbs).

Orb related illnesses

Illnesses caused by orb produce include:

  • The uncommon cold - A condition in which the body becomes icy and cold, caused by consuming unfiltered winter plorb milk.
  • Beaver fever - A condition where the body becomes extremely hot and overheated; a severe fever that technically should be fatal, but it does not kill you. Caused by consuming unfiltered summer plorb milk.
  • Goopy guts - A condition where the insides of an anthry become goopy and jelly-like. Caused by consuming unfiltered jlorb jelly.
  • Glows-a-lot - A condition in which parts of the body glow and you develop a cold, and snot becomes bright pink. Caused by making contact with the liquid luminescence excreted by glowrb.
Emem and Tears

Emem and Tears are the Gods of Spinch. They are a type of alien known as a poggie, which is a type of a species (called kloggen) that creates planets. There are also slorgies that make stars (an unknown slorgie created the Sims, the star at the center of the Rolas Metsys). The creator of the universe is known as Glog.

Emem created Spinch and the surrounding planets around the Sims, and Tears was designated as his helper and guide.


Emem and Tears worked together to shape Spinch's surface, but now Emem primarily works on the creation of Spinch's inhabitants by making eggs. Though most people have acknowledged his existence, there are still skeptic scientists who don't believe in Emem, but they can't explain where eggs come from.


Annless Tears is the guard of Spinch that watches over anthries and ferries. She represents hope and light. She is said to be crying because of the bad deeds of anthries breaking her heart. She believes that this isn't who they really are deep down, and that life always has a chance of getting better, but she feels for everyone's pain so deeply and loves all living things. She and Emem are a couple, I think...?


Virtuism is a religion that follows magic on Spinch. There are two types of Virtuism. Adulated Virtuism is the following of Tears, who looks after and guards anthrinity, and fabled Virtuism is specifically the belief in magic and miracles (given by Tears and Emem). Virtuists tend to value kindness and respect for one's self and others. A lot of people turn to Virtuism when trying to believe in good things and that there's hope for the future, that the things you think are impossible are possible like magic. Many people who have regrets about their actions in life and want to change but feel like it's impossible will also seek out Virtuism, in hope of finding themselves again and learning to do the right thing and forgive themselves. A lot of Virtuism focuses on believing in the impossible and coming to learn that, in fact, nothing is truly impossible, and that things can always get better if someone believes and tries (but sitting around won't change anything-- one has to make things a reality themselves).

Spinch's soggies

Soggies are the assistants of poggies, and they are often considered the children of poggies because of what they add to Spinch. The soggies of Emem and Tears have various roles and purposes.

Kitty Ation

Kitty Ation is the soul and heart of Spinch. If she were to cease to exist, so would the planet. Her happiness, health, and feelings often reflect a lot of the state of the planet. If she were to become very depressed, Spinch would decline in life, but she tends to be pretty happy most of the time so there isn't much to worry about.

Kiss Jingle

Kiss Jingle is responsible for the season of winter on Spinch. Kissmas, as a holiday, is considered to have been formed by her lowering Spinch's temperatures in the form of one of Spinch's ice ages, but scientists tend to disagree with this.

Like mentioned above in the Goda mountain section, Spinch is known to find itself in a frequent repetitive history of temperatures lowering in response to various things. Goda mountain is what most people tend to blame. The reason Goda mountain is considered most responsible is because of the ash from an eruption that large will block out sunlight from reaching Spinch and dramatically lower global temperatures. But... legends tend to say that the real cause of these temperature changes isn't actually Goda mountain, but actually Kiss Jingle herself.

Solion Sunn

Solion is in charge of the season of summer on Spinch. He is considered the antithesis of Kiss Jingle, and legends and lots of Kissmas stories focus on them battling for control of the seasons while Punko and Blossom are left trying to console them. Solion is hostile and always up to cause problems and drama within the family if he's able.

Blossom Enbloom

Blossom controls the season of spring. She is kind-hearted and passionate about what she does and she worries a lot about Solion and Kiss, and doesn't want them to keep fighting in the way that they do and strives for peace and harmony. She's very soft-spoken and sometimes nervous and hates conflict and especially yelling.

Punko Kin

Punko is responsible for fall, and she is very quiet and friendly and easy to talk to. She's not the brightest ever, but she's very loving and supportive to her family and does her best all the time! She's also the youngest, and everyone is nice to her, even Solion who is pretty rude to everyone else.

The Rolas Metsys

(yes, we know, anthries spelled it wrong when naming it.)

The Rolas Metsys is the solar system that Spinch exists in, and it's the solar system that Emem and Tears were assigned to make a planet for. Other poggies made the other planets in it, but Spinch is specifically their project. It was named in Countrountrish.

(Click to view full image)

Spinch is the planet that this page is all about so you already know what it is.
Kepchup is a really hot planet that's covered with volcanic activity and it's scary.
Sprimkle is the water planet. Anthries don't know if there's any life under its surface, but it's possible...
Penuts is the cloud planet. It has clouds, but an ocean or anything beneath it is not visible because it's so cloudy all over.
The Twix galaxy

The Twix galaxy is the galaxy that the Rolas Metsys exists within. Spinch is the only planet that anthries know for a fact possesses life, since they have yet to visit other planets, but they still believe it's out there somewhere. It's often argued about whether or not aliens from other worlds or galaxies have actually visited Spinch, but most scientists believe that simply isn't true, or at least so far there has been no conclusive evidence of it.

Glossary summary

Spinch - The planet that Sparklecare and related stories take place on.

Anthry - The primary inhabitants of Spinch, anthropomorphic animals that are bipedal and talk.

Ferry - The secondary inhabitants of Spinch, wild animals. They do not talk. They are often mixes of existing animals.

Therry - Ancestors of anthries, thick-furred beasts that lived during Spinch's third major ice age.

Antherry - The most recent ancestors of anthries, mostly bipedal animals that developed the heat retainment system.

Heat retainment/calefaction - Anthry sex, its purpose being to generate body heat.

Allotpuns - The pun in an anthry's name.

Allindrome - The palindrome in an anthry's name.

Countrandish - Earth language.

Countrountrish - A language originating in Countrycountryland, where each word in a sentence is spelled backwards.

Orbs - Produce ferries that are small orb-like animals that produce milk, jelly, juice, oils, liquid luminescence, and soaps.

The Rolas Metsys - The solar system that Spinch is a part of.

Emem - One of the creators of Spinch. He creates all life on Spinch through making magic eggs.

Tears - The other creator and guard of life on Spinch. She watches over anthries and protects them.

Virtuism - The religion based on the following of Tears and Emem, their creations, and magic.

Adulated Virtuism - The following of Tears specifically, respecting her for guarding over life on Spinch and seeking her for guidance and finding one's self and practicing kindness.

Fabled Virtuism - The strong deep rooted belief in magic and miracles and hope, and the willingness to make these things happen.

Glog - The creator of the universe.

Kloggen - The workers of Glog, creating stars and planets and other celestial bodies.

Poggie - A kloggen that creates planets.

Slorgie - A kloggen that creates stars.

Soggie - A helper to poggies, often controlling different aspects of a planet.

Kitty Ation - Soggie that is the soul of Spinch. Her emotional and physical state affects the nature and life of Spinch.

Kiss Jingle - Soggie responsible for winter, and a mythical figure in Kissmas.

Solion Sunn - Soggie responsible for summer.

Blossom Enbloom - Soggie responsible for spring.

Punko Kin - Soggie responsible for fall.