This is a masterlist of triggers in each volume. Specific pages can be found on the archive. All of these pages contain a content warning label and can be avoided through the transcripts and clean transcripts. Clean transcripts are for verbal triggers (stuff in dialogue).
On pages before the pages with triggering content, there is the option to skip the content warning. You can also access pages without content warnings through the archive. However, on pages with extremely sensitive dialogue the option to skip is not included.
Please review this page for the contents of each volume and be conscious of your limits if you are going to read the comic without content warnings enabled. I highly recommend using the filtering, but I have the option to ignore it due to high requests to do so.
Things that are not tagged: swearing, blood on character clothes, and scars (ex. Barry's scars).
This page may contain spoilers for the contents of the volume. Please proceed with caution.
Volume 1
Main triggers: Violence and verbal victim dismissal
- Violence
- Torture
- Needles with blood, needles drawing blood
- Restraints
- Forced unclothing (not sexual)
- Dismemberment
- Decapitation
- Mutilation
- Disembowelment
- Strangulation/choking
- Verbal mention of suicide
- Ended life support
- IVs
- Insect harm
- Verbal NSFW jokes
- Verbal victim dismissal/blaming
- Ableism
Volume 2
Main triggers: Unsanitary environment and discussion of trauma
- Blood
- Germs (unsanitary)
- Implicit ableist language/ableism
- Verbal NSFW jokes
- Needles
- Verbal drug joke/mention
- Dismembered limbs
Volume 3
Main triggers: Social workers and abuse investigation
- Discretionary shots of a character vomiting
- Onomatopoeic depictions of a character vomiting
- Verbal descriptions of dismemberment
- Verbal descriptions of ear trauma
- Verbal NSFW jokes
- Discretionary shots of a character making contact with vomit
- Verbal mention of vomit
- Implication of hazardous liquid consumption (of which can cause extreme bodily harm or even death)
- VERY graphic visual of eye trauma/gore/self-harm and verbal description of said eye trauma
- Verbal mentions of suicide, self harm, and eye trauma
- Verbal victim dismissal regarding suicide
- Verbal mention of organ removal
- Disturbing and graphic death (but lacks actual blood or gore)
- Ableism
- Victim blaming
- Victim dismissal