Colors by Jay.

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The trio maneuvers through the vent in a horizontal panel.

Uni: Okay so... where are we going bro?

Barry is holding the map still as they crawl through.

Barry: We should be approaching a fork in the ventilation ducts.

Uni: A fork?

A/N: This is a visual gag on the fact "fork" sounds kind of like "fuck" -- something Barry asked Uni to not say (and because he said "fricking" mockingly after Uni swore.)

Barry: Shut up. We need to go through the one on the left.

Uni halts as they reach it and looks confusedly at his hands. There is a visual that represents Uni is ambidextrous and does different things with both hands, probably leading to his tendency to confuse directions.

Uni: Uuh.. your left or my left?

Barry: ....we’re facing in the same direction, man.

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