Inks by Rhi, colors by Seb.

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Cuddles: How are your assignments for the day going?

Doom: I gave all the patients their morning pills! I also made sure Uni took his gummy supplements.

Mood: Everyone is still taking their IVs out.

Doom: I'm putting the pain inducers in their daily meds to make up for that, sis.

Cuddles: Have either of you been down to the warehouse level? How is the manufacturing? Are all the other medical centers getting their tampered medical tools?

Doom: Judging by the influx of newly admitted patients recently, I'm sure of it, doc.

Cuddles looks at a map of what looks like a city with the Sparklecare hospital in the centre.

Cuddles: Good... that means things should continue going smoothly. The more businesses we wipe out for malpractice, the stronger we become. Speaking of patients... how is... the new patient? The green one?

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