Sketch and colors and extra details by Kittycorn, inks by Gen

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Barry walks in the room and stands in front of Party’s desk, and Party takes one good look at him.

Party: …yeah, I can’t help you with this one, dude. You’re a goner.

Barry: …I-I was afraid you’d say that.

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.........OKAY. If you're here, then you've discovered the ACTUAL TRUE ENDING of the volume. Yes. This is the real, legit ending that has always been planned for literally years.

Ending on April Fool's day was kind of part of the joke. If this volume was hard to take seriously, if it felt random or out of place, congrats, that's entirely the point! The goal with this volume was to sort of capture the last opportunity things will feel remotely "normal" in the lives of the patients at the hospital. Volume 5 onwards, we're going to be getting into non-stop plot stuff, and there'll be little time to rest and breathe.

You may ask: "What was the point of this volume if it didn't progress the story?" Well, that's just it. If we had immediately jumped from volume 3 to volume 5, the events of volume 5 would have felt too soon considering what happens in it. We kind of needed some sort of "break" in between, so why not make it something silly?

As said in the "fake" final update, this volume feels pretty different tonally from the first three because of the fact it was conceptualized long before the comic plot got any footing in the development process. Back in 2022 I actually considered cutting this volume out altogether, but again, it would have still felt like volume 5 would come too soon if there wasn't some kind of breather in-between.

While this volume does have a lot of symbolism and characterization, I promise, if you struggled to take it seriously, it's not unintentional. It's silly. It's all silly. It's a joke! It's MEANT to be jokey and un-serious! Which is why we finished on April Fool's day. That doesn't mean the volume isn't canon or anything, but it certainly is silly.

Copying this from the fake update, just for consistency's sake:

As per usual, the comic is going back on hiatus until volume 5. I will also remind people who aren't active on Tumblr that the site is going to be under maintenance soon as I implement the site revamp. You can read more about that here in this Tumblr post. Thank you for your patience! We already have a release window in mind, but we won't announce it just yet in case something gets in the way of it. When a release date is announced, trust us, you'll hear about it!

~With love and bad creative decisions, Kittycorn